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Founders Classical Academy of Leander and State Representative Tony Dale Recognize National School Choice Week Founders Classical AcademiesNewsPress ReleasesSchools

Founders Classical Academy of Leander and State Representative Tony Dale Recognize National School Choice Week

Founders Classical Academy of Leander, a ResponsiveEd public charter school, welcomed Texas State Representative District 136 Tony Dale as its keynote speaker for a National School Choice Week celebration at the campus…
January 26, 2018
Senior Class Awarded More Than $3 Million in Scholarships ScholarshipsEducation NewsFounders Classical AcademiesHome OfficeiSchool HighNewsNewsNewsPremier High SchoolsResponsiveEd NewsSchoolsStudentsStudentsStudentsUncategorized

Senior Class Awarded More Than $3 Million in Scholarships

The 2015 senior class at ResponsiveEd's charter schools were awarded more than $3 million in scholarships and grants for 50 colleges and universities across the country. Graduates from four of ResponsiveEd’s…
October 26, 2015