As a military child, seventh grader Sarah Abbey moved frequently. Eighth grader Grant Knoche performed across the country as a member of Kidz Bop. Needing more time, fourth grader Jacob…
Five iSchool Virtual Academy of Texas (iSVA) students received awards for their entries in K12's 10th annual Art Contest. With over 1,200 entries from across the country, iSVA's grade 3-12 students received 5 awards. Fourth…
Grant Knoche is in eighth grade, but he also spends many of his weekends on tour with Kidz Bop. His music career makes it difficult for him to attend a…
ResponsiveEd provides a range of school choices. We provide several classical options because we believe it promotes wisdom and virtue and prepares our students to live as responsible citizens and…
Students at Clay Classical Academy, a ResponsiveEd® charter school in southwest Dallas, achieved an 84% pass rate on the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) in 2015, increasing…
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