Celebrating 25 Years of
Providing Hope
We invite you to learn more about how we remain committed to our mission of providing hope through education and preparing future leaders who make a lasting impact on the world.
is to provide hope for students through educational options that promote a free society and cultivate moral and academic excellence.
ResponsiveEd, a nonprofit organization, operates more than 100 tuition-free public schools throughout Texas and Arkansas. Click below to view our campus directory and enroll in a school.
Stories and announcements from ResponsiveEd and our more than 100 campuses
At ResponsiveEd, we seek to be responsive to the needs of the community. In keeping with this goal, we offer a variety of educational options—educational “brands”—that reflect the diverse interests, goals, and learning styles of the students within the communities we serve.
Ben Klingenstein, President
Kent Sparks, Vice President
Lisa Bowen, Secretary
Chuck Cook, Member
Richard Fengler, Member
Delilah Lopez Loya, Member