AUSTIN, Texas, June 04, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush delivered a rousing commencement speech to the high school graduates from Premier High School – Austin South and Premier High School – American YouthWorks. Both campuses joined for a dual-graduation ceremony in the Lady Bird Johnson Auditorium at the LBJ Library and Museum on June 2 at 1:30 p.m.
“He spoke of staying committed to your goals and serving others even if it means going against the grain,” said Premier High School Regional Director Jennifer Kasapi. “This was a message these kids really needed to hear as they prepare for the next stage of their lives.”

ResponsiveEd Senior Vice President of Corporate Operations Kalese Whitehurst (far left) and Premier High School Regional Director Jennifer Kasapi (far right) present Commissioner George P. Bush with a plaque as a thank you for his time.
Thirteen seniors earned diplomas from the American YouthWorks campus and another 35 from the Austin South campus. Each graduate received a handshake and personal congratulations from Mr. Bush.
Commissioner Bush is the grandson of President George H.W. Bush, the son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and the nephew of President George W. Bush. Prior to becoming Texas land commissioner, Bush worked as a public-school teacher after graduating from Rice University and serving in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan as an officer in the U.S. Naval Reserve.
Founded in 1999, ResponsiveEd operates 35 Premier High School campuses across Texas. With the motto ‘Don’t Wait. Graduate.’ the Premier High School model helps students recover high school credits and work toward early graduation.
ResponsiveEd® is a non-profit corporation that operates more than 75 tuition-free public schools throughout Texas and Arkansas, including Premier High Schools?, ResponsiveEd Classical Academies, Founders Classical Academies®, Quest Academies, iSchool High®, and iSchool Virtual Academy. ResponsiveEd’s mission is to provide hope to students through innovative, character-based, personalized learning environments. To learn more, visit